We provide interpreting and translation services from our offices near Bologna, where we work with colleagues and collaborators.
We are located in Crevalcore, in a strategic position between Bologna and Modena. Our location is well connected to the main road networks.
Below you can find the directions to reach us:

  • by car, A14 AN-BO, exit Casalecchio di Reno, follow direction Modena
  • by train, Bologna-Crevalcore (Bologna-Brenner line)
  • by public transport, Bus Line 576 from Bologna or Bus Line 551 from Modena/Ferrara

We told you who we are and what we can do together. Now it’s your turn! Fill out the form, explain your needs and goals, and we will reply as soon as possible.

Contact us to find out more

Do you want to get to know us better, make an appointment or find out more about our services?
Fill out the form to tell us what you require. We will respond within 24 hours.

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    Write to hr@imaginetraduzioni.it specifying your qualifications, skills and experience